Bureau Documentation Information

( responsable Madame BARDOUX )

The BDI is location information for the guidance of young.

The BDI is a listening place which should enable each student to build ITS Personal Orientation Project

By helping to discover their abilities

By helping to refine his tastes

En l’aidant à prendre conscience de l’environnement scolaire, universitaire et professionnel.

The BDI has a solid documentation and software d’aide à l’orientation.

The BDI Assistance implementation of courses en entreprise pour les classes de 3e.

The BDI organizes meet with students of 3 and 4 with young qui ont déjà fait le choix de leurs lycées et de leurs parcours.

The BDI offers briefing pour les parents et les élèves des classes de 3e pour présenter les filières du lycée.

The BDI works link with head teachers pour aider un élève à trouver sa voie.

The BDI receives all students in the third beginning of the school year and offers a customized listening to any student of 4th whoever wishes.

Students and their parents are greeted individually each day between 12:30 and 14h and by appointment.