
Discovery classes 6 im1

In any start to the year is organized for all 6th classes at the same time, a small travel days. Classes are spread over several sites.



This output serves two purposes:

  • First, the discovery of a new environment and local heritage linked to schoolwork.
  • On the other hand, it gives the child the opportunity to experience life in a group from the class structure and to meet new friends who often come from different schools. This develops a climate of good understanding between the students themselves and between students and accompanying teachers.

This integration stay is causing a good classroom atmosphere that benefits children throughout the year.

School exchanges

Trade with Germany

Our college is twinned for many years with a German school located near Frankfurt, and every year, the fourth Germanist students have the opportunity to participate in a student exchange one week.

This exchange allows them not only to know the school system and family life in Germany, but also to find new friends and, of course, to practice the German language.

The benefit is enormous: in addition to the increased interest in the language and better participation in speaking, these experiences weld the classes involved and create an open and friendly atmosphere. In addition, real friendships were born over the years and continue to this day ...

Chaque année des élèves volontaires peuvent participer au programme d’échange Brigitte Sauzay.

School trips


School trips are organized on the initiative of teachers. They are always very rich experiences for the group but for each student.


Discovery of a civilization, one language, one country and its way of life, an opening on the other indispensable in today's world.


Les élèves qui suivent l’enseignement facultatif de Langues et Cultures de l’Antiquité (latin/grec) partent à Rome en classe de 4ème.

Les élèves de 4° de LV2 Italien partent en Italie du nord.

Les 4° étudiant l’espagnol partent à Valence.

Les autres classes de 4° partent à Toulouse et en Normandie (dans le cadre de l’étude des guerres mondiales) Capture



All grades 3 (orientation class) doing an internship for a week.

It allows young people to have a first contact with the world of work and to approach a profession he plans for the future.

Each student must make the effort to find an internship and must also make a probation report on his return.

Activities between 12:30 and 14h

Organized by teachers, cultural and sporting activities between noon and 14h thus vary school years.

Students may enroll at the beginning of the year for activities such as:








