Presentation College

Présentation vidéo

The educational team




Le collège comprend 5 classes par niveau, de la 6e à la 3e, et un dispositif U.L.I.S. (Unité Localisée pour l’Inclusion Scolaire).

Each class has a classroom of its own. Students do not change room for specialized courses: Biology, Technology, Physics ...

Le programme scolaire est celui de l’Education Nationale.

Un accueil spécifique est proposé aux élèves anglophones sur la totalité des niveaux avec une assistante en langue.

The property project Capture

Greet the student, with his wealth or his difficulties.

The recognition with its peculiarities (earliness, for example) and help it integrate into the school.

Offer him an opening to Europe and the world

Offer him a demanding and quality education, to enable it, in connection with his family, to achieve its goal